by Elizabeth Ingrams | Dec 3, 2021 | Narrative Life Coaching Blog
We are celebrating Narrative Life Coaching’s first birthday, so I am delighted to announce a special offer, but more about that in a moment! According to a recent London Business School study, 49% of us say that in the last couple of years we have had more time...
by Elizabeth Ingrams | Nov 5, 2021 | Narrative Life Coaching Blog
I’m so excited to launch my new interview series and also to talk about finding safety in communications. I’ve been hearing a lot about how we need to feel ‘safe’ when we talk to each other. But how much are we prepared to risk in order to ‘feel safe’ in a...
by Elizabeth Ingrams | Oct 1, 2021 | Narrative Life Coaching Blog
Narrative is used by all philosophical traditions as a way of helping people to think independently. It’s how we learn to create our own world. Most of the time, we focus on narrative in terms of ‘how much we know’. In a technological age ‘knowing’ how to do things,...
by Elizabeth Ingrams | Aug 27, 2021 | Narrative Life Coaching Blog
Did you know that when you hold another person’s attention through telling them a story, you are literally stopping time? In Chinese, the characters for a poem mean, to ‘speak time’. Storytelling is about expanding the time we have for ourselves and others. And this...
by Elizabeth Ingrams | Aug 7, 2021 | Narrative Life Coaching Blog
This month’s blog is focused on my new interview series ‘Reconnect: Energy & Spirit’. It’s also about my new Facebook Challenge which launches 7th September – just scroll down for more news about that. Recently I have been linking children with nature for...
by Elizabeth Ingrams | Mar 1, 2021 | Narrative Life Coaching Blog
The month’s Blog is about listening and presence – and John Keats. As the outside world has been quiet, I’ve tried to listen more: remember all those lonely hours with your discs (in my case vinyl records!) in your room as a teenager ‘living life golden!’ But I’ve...