‘It’s a lovely companion at a time of personal change.’
‘It is not just emotional literacy it is also pragmatic with clear objectives so it is hard hitting as well.’
‘It’s for people who are looking to make shifts – in career, family, relationships.’
‘It’s about changing the details in your life in very small ways to create the building blocks
for greater changes.’
‘It felt like an absolute gift.’
‘The exercises, at least in Parts 1 and 2, are mostly apparently quite easy, not taking too much
of your time… I’ve done a lot of goal setting in my life and it’s sort of hard to keep those very
big goals; so one of the things I’ve liked is that the course focuses on the micro level, the very
small things that contribute to making the big shifts.’
‘This is an online course so you need to do the work yourself, although the coach is available
to guide you through it.’
“I loved the creative elements of this course, it made me want to dive in each day and participate, I think there’s much to learn about oneself, and this helps you with a soft gentle hand to begin that journey while focusing on a goal.”
“I went into this thinking it was some sort of exercise to do with creative writing, I came out of it on track to feeling more present, connected and able to be heard as well as more able to hear”
“Through Narrative Life Coaching, I was able to give form and structure to my vision. I also learnt life-affirming thought strategies to sustain my vision and illuminate it further. What got me hooked was the sincerity and honesty of the coaching and the coach’s deep belief in personal transformation.”
‘What I got from working with NLC was to prioritize your vision. You reminded me to always return to my needs and my vision. This was really helpful to me as my vision was to create a yoga and meditation retreat. In order to make it happen I needed to take responsibility for making it happen myself. I needed to focus weekly on my vision. In terms of the coaching, it gave me the strength and courage to say to my business partner at the time that we needed to go our separate ways in business. I realize that some of my obstacles in moving forward were to do with fear but I have recently shifted back to my vision. I was about to give it all up, but then I thought, “No, I’m not giving it up, it’s my vision.”
‘It goes beyond the nuts and bolts and ticking off the checklist. Narrative Life Coaching goes deeper; it addresses questions of core beliefs and life themes. For me the key message was ‘don’t let the fire die’. There are some things that you sort of know subconsciously but the Narrative Life Coaching helps bring them to the surface. I started a regular journaling practice which helped me to explore more of what was possible for me. Also the visualisation exercises really helped. Overall, through exploring my hidden beliefs I became more confident to push for things in my career as a lawyer and artist that I was holding back on.’