​As promised, this month I am going to share some of the results from the last year of Narrative Life Coaching! Last year we launched our signature course, Communicate Your Story (CYS).

The course is the result of my postgraduate research into narrative methods for transformation. During this three-part course, which can take just five months to complete, clients become aware of the narratives they are attracted to and in doing so, are able to develop better strategies to control their future.

I am so excited and honoured that this week my client, Laura Wells, has allowed me to share some of her results. Days after completing CYS Laura took a trip overseas – her first in several years – she included me in her trip so I took the opportunity to ask her some questions about how CYS helped her to transform! Here’s what she said.

Elizabeth: What was your vision for the Communicate Your Story (CYS) course?

Laura: To have a sense of belonging. However, I think that a ‘sense of belonging’ has shifted towards taking the lead in my life.

Elizabeth: What did the CYS course offer you?

Laura: The course was an inspiration for me in terms of taking the lead and creating a new narrative. For me a big part of taking the lead is not to make decisions based on a feeling of desperation. I also wanted to not feel as though I need to accept what is offered to me. For instance, if I am in the company of others to whom clearly for whatever reason I don’t feel connected, to not feel as though I have to connect with them: there are other avenues to achieve a sense of belonging. I have made progress in what I just described since I started this course with you.

Elizabeth: What new habits have you developed since taking the CYS course?

Laura: I have found the habit of having a notebook at my bedside so that I can write down the genesis of my ideas instead of letting them roll down the hill and become inaccessible to me. I get really great ideas for prose and poetry right before I fall asleep or right before I get out of bed to start my day. So it’s really important during those times to just force myself to just turn on that bedside lamp and write them down.

Elizabeth: What shifts did you notice from taking the CYS course?

Laura: I noticed a tremendous shift. It helped me get to the point where I feel like I can take the lead away from others who have their own agendas; I don’t need to be the caretaker or the supporter of someone else’s agenda a hundred percent of the time.

I’ll share more of Laura’s story including a video of her experience next time!


X Elizabeth Rose

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