I am not a law of attraction expert, however, saying ‘yes’ was something I struggled with for a long time. I always wanted to add subclauses – ‘yes, but’ or ‘yes, if’. The brain-body complex doesn’t respond to ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ – it only responds to positive or negative emotions. So if you say ‘yes’ half-heartedly it reads that as fear and so the body’s response will be negative.

Tuning into your intuition in a safe space is so important. This is so you can find out where the anger and fear are coming from so that you stop responding half-heartedly. You need to redirect your thoughts and energies toward accepting the gifts you really want, which can be a lifetime’s work. It can be especially so if you are used to feelings of denial or guilt. To give an example, last year I received the gift of funding for my first creative endeavour in a long time – to write a play, but I am struggling to prioritise my time after a lifetime of ‘yes, buts’ – what else would you expect!

Finding out what you want is the key. First focus on what you want and then allow the space to grow – giving it more and more water and sunlight. Inevitably that will yield greater and greater levels of fulfilment.

But here’s the catch, you do have to say ‘no’ to other things. That can be a game changer. Last month, when I sent my free Vision and Goals masterclass pack out, many people wrote back to me to say they were too busy last month to take time out to focus on their vision for the year. That’s fine, there’s still time as we are still in winter, the best time for digging deep so that we can manifest our visions more widely throughout the rest of the year. But do say ‘yes’ to the vision and goals course this month, so that you can say ‘no’ to what will surely get in the way.

Learning how to say ‘no’ to the things that are outside your vision will also open up some surprising spaces in your life for what’s possible for you…

Some subscribers to the Vision and Goals course have joined the Facebook group, which is a great space for sharing and getting the support you need from peers in a respectful non-judgemental environment. As Brene Brown tells us, there are only two types of people – those who ask for help and those who don’t ask for help! Ensure that you become the kind of person who does ask for help 🙂

NLC also has a lovely offer this month: the chance to join a conversation with Laura Wells, a graduate of the Narrative Life Coaching course who will join us live on 17 February in the Facebook Group. If you are serious about seeing your vision manifest this year, remember to join the group here to get access to the free course content and peer support.

What action are you taking to support your vision and goal this year? To join the Facebook group, just click here

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