Happy April – the month of opening. We are at the beginning of a new phase! Apart from anything else, we are starting to be allowed out again…  In preparation for that spring into action, I have bought myself a pair of new shoes – my first pair in over a year!

But more pressingly I have a new Facebook page, which I invite you to like, so that you can join my Facebook Challenge ‘Communicate Your Story in 30 Days’, 12th April – 11 May, to help you prepare for a life beyond just Facebook and social media interaction. Starting with an introductory video this Friday 9th April at 1pm, this Challenge will help you to focus on re-connection, on living in a way that feels good. It will help make that shift into living your story. Find out how to reconnect thoughts with actions, so that we can share stories and become more visible.

As I mentioned in my first Blog, in Hebrew, speech itself דִבֵר ‘dabar’ can be seen as an event or happening. It was Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) who first had the insight that, when crises happen, people’s ability to communicate their lived experience – i.e. to share their stories heart-to-heart — weakens.

So, in preparation for that ‘event’ which is getting out there and communicating – we will spend time working together in a private group on 1. connection with oneself; 2. presence i.e. being present without anticipation of tomorrow; 3. listening to ourselves others, and 4. communication. So, in the first three weeks of the course, we find the time to attend to ourselves: starting to see how simply our own presence can be seen as a gift in this world. Because I believe, both possessions and relationships are gifts – there was a time when there was no separation between heart, (hearth) and home – people, places and material objects were all interconnected. 

So the final week of this Facebook Challenge ‘Communicate Your Story in 30 Days’ will be given over to finding out how best to communicate the authentic ‘you’; the voice that is all yours and is as precious and golden as the sun. By using our voice (not just virtually!),  by wording it out, we can start to expand whatever aspect of our lives we really wish to expand. This helps us overcome the fear of what Brene Brown calls, ‘the gremlins’, taking over and consigning us to invisibility again!

I’d really love to see you in my private Facebook group – and to launch this I’m inviting you to attend my launch event this Friday at 1pm. Details will be posted on this page, so just follow the link and like the page to find out more. Below are some useful links to like-minded people whose work I admire.  

Useful links:



X Elizabeth Rose

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