by Elizabeth Ingrams | Apr 5, 2021 | Uncategorized
Happy April – the month of opening. We are at the beginning of a new phase! Apart from anything else, we are starting to be allowed out again… In preparation for that spring into action, I have bought myself a pair of new shoes – my first pair in over a year!...
by Elizabeth Ingrams | Mar 1, 2021 | Narrative Life Coaching Blog
The month’s Blog is about listening and presence – and John Keats. As the outside world has been quiet, I’ve tried to listen more: remember all those lonely hours with your discs (in my case vinyl records!) in your room as a teenager ‘living life golden!’ But I’ve...
by Elizabeth Ingrams | Feb 1, 2021 | Narrative Life Coaching Blog
This month’s Blog is all about connection. I love E.M. Forster’s catchphrase ‘Only Connect’ and the need to connect is something I’ve been hearing about a lot on some of my daily #walksinthepark. People need to relax after the intensity of life online and we tend to...
by Elizabeth Ingrams | Jan 4, 2021 | Narrative Life Coaching Blog
This months Blog is all about having a conversation with yourself. This can start with something as simple as our breath. When we breathe, we get inspired: the word ‘spiro’ means ‘I breathe’ in Latin. Inspiration in its simplest form is breathing. And all it takes to...
by Elizabeth Ingrams | Dec 1, 2020 | Narrative Life Coaching Blog
‘Did your mind wander off just then?’ asks my online yoga teacher. ‘Bring it back. Focus on what feels good.’ Did she read my mind? Mindfulness is so helpful when we are faced with uncertain times whether at work, in relationships, or in families. It’s often said that...