About Me

I have a PhD. In Narrative Research: the study of how communicating our stories in an appropriate and safe way can be transformative for our lives. I have published two books as well as having an established career in journalism. I have been interviewed on the BBC Worldwide as well as on BBC radio and LBC. My own experience of being coached was transformative as it helped me to identify blocks that were preventing me live my authentic self. It also helped me to launch narrative life coaching with great results – I have feedback of 80-100 percent from clients. I have an NHS approved certificate in communication and peer counselling through active listening, self-awareness, empathy and giving constructive feedback.

Science tells us that we experience our lives through narrative. Our brains and bodies develop through telling and listening to stories. This allows us to visualise and create new and better futures for ourselves. By improving our own mindset we can start to discover more of what is available to us on the outside.

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