Hello & welcome!

My approach to life coaching is highly effective and empowering and within one month of working with me clients have gone on to achieve hard-to-reach goals.

As a narrative life coach, I have pioneered life storytelling as a practice to heal the inner blocks that are stopping you from achieving external success.

Sometimes it’s scary to take that first step. We say, ‘It’s not the right time. We don’t have the money. Our loved ones are not in the right place.’ But I ask you, what might be possible if you dared to take that first step in a safe and non-judgemental space? I want you to discover the authentic you. As Nichiren Daishonin said, ‘Could there ever be a more wonderful story than your own?’

Contact me to schedule a free 30-minute Narrative Life Coaching chat today. 

Business Hours:

9 am – 5:30 pm Monday -Friday

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