Over the last few months (since April), I launched my first-ever 30-day life coaching challenge on Facebook, with many new participants and clients. These are some of the issues they have raised:
The first problem most clients have is busyness and distraction. This aspect of ‘doing’ all the time seems to come from thinking we need to prove ourselves to someone else even though we already have access to the answers inside us. The only person we need to prove ourselves to is us!
The second problem is trust. We tend to exclude everything we cannot control or know and we rely on virtual reality. Did a verification code rather than a phone call just come up? Exactly. But we know that the only way to find and seek a way forward is through direct encounters with others. The frantic pace of our lives is such that we stop listening to our own intuition. We stop taking in what another person is saying. We remain distracted from the opportunities that lie beneath the surface. But we can only really add value to our lives when we create intimacy and trust in our daily encounters with those who are close to us.
What are we blocking?
For my next 90-day challenge, I offer three components:
- Connecting with yourself (body)
First, we need to breathe. This is what a client, Rosie (not her real name), said about the breathwork we do in the challenge: ‘The things that have stuck with me is the box breath, and I tie that in with the seashore breath, so when I’m doing the box breath, running the waves and everything, and that’s really great. And then, you know, I’ve shared that with my daughter who suffers from anxiety and so on.’
- Connecting with yourself (energy)
Connection also means paying attention. We don’t need to do more, we just need to dive in deeper. But so often we don’t really listen to the story that we are telling the universe. What if we really paid attention to the words we are speaking to others and the message that we are putting out there? A client Tara (also not her real name) asked me today, ‘Why storytelling?’ Because storytelling helps us to re-establish trust and intimacy with others.
Ruth, my social entrepreneur client, told me she aimed to become ‘more energised around my goal. The Narrative Life Coaching approach helped me gain confidence and a sense of focus as I was meeting and communicating with another person who helped to reset my narrative.’
- Connecting with yourself (spirit)
Through storytelling we find we can, literally, make new memories. It’s a creative process which helps us to lay new, better, tracks for ourselves for the future. However before we do that, we need to make sure we keep control of the narrative rather than have the narrative tell us:
Muslin, another client told me, ‘I really liked the Narrative Life Coaching approach, it helped me to access my subconscious and intuition, which helps me to access more wisdom than is perhaps apparent on the surface. As I explored my hidden beliefs, this led me to take more action, to speak to people and to ask for more – becoming more confident in the process.’
So, who am I? I am a life coach, with a long career in personal communication and self-development. I have two degrees as well as two diplomas and several publications to my name. I can walk alongside you on this journey to discover your greater self. Clients have said that I am an excellent communicator and that I have helped them to fulfil their goals. They have given me ratings of 8 to 10 out of ten for facilitation. One client, Hina, a publisher, told me: ‘I loved the creative elements of this course (i.e. the 30-day taster Challenge), it made me want to dive in each day and participate, I think there’s much to learn about oneself, and this helps you with a soft gentle hand to begin that journey while focusing on a goal.’
Other clients have said they are attracting more interest in her business, getting clearer around decision-making, not running after leads so much but letting leads find her.
I am offering a new 90-day Challenge, with the taster Challenge for just 30 days starting 9 August. The 30-day Challenge includes:
- Daily posts and exercises on Facebook
- The chance to be part of a supportive, respectful group of fellow coach-ees
- Four group calls, one per week for the 30 days, with an extra bonus call to wrap up.
- Recorded weekly videos which help guide you through the process of the challenge.
All the details including how to sign up are available here
This 30-day taster (which segues naturally into the 90 days) is available for a very affordable price of £49.
I was so honoured when Hina said she couldn’t wait to get on to Facebook in my very first 30-day challenge (which was in April) to find out what was going on in the Challenge that day. Challenge members have been seeing shifts happen in their lives. Shifts that are taking them more towards their vision becoming a reality. This is what some clients have said already:
‘It’s making me focus on my quality of connection,’ Lucy
‘It’s helping me become more confident in my pitches. I wouldn’t have felt that confident to do that before.’ Rosie
‘I have had a bit of a breakthrough …. to be heard in a different way than I had been before.’ Rosie
If you’re wondering about whether this Challenge is for you, ask yourself, are you constantly running after leads, or are leads simply coming to you? Are you connecting well with your family, friends and wider circle, or are you in repeat mode? Usually, the reason that we are in repeat mode is that we want to stay safe. We invest in safety. For ourselves and our loved ones. And there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s very important. But what do we miss out on? We miss out on connection, and connection is what makes trust flow in our lives.
The word ‘trust’ comes from the old English word tryst, which means a meeting-place. I see storytelling as a way to meet ourselves, others and our wider community. I see it as a vehicle to help you reveal more of who you are.
This 30-day taster to the 90-day Challenge is all about communicating your vision. Why is vision important? Our vision is important because the story that we tell with our lives is the one thing that we leave behind in the world when we go. And, as a sage once asked, ‘Could there ever be a more wonderful story than your own?’
If you’re interested in signing up for the next 30-day taster starting August 9th please email me at elizabeth@narrativelifecoaching.co.uk
And if you’ve already done Part One, it could, if you want, then lead straight on to Part Two of the 90-day Challenge starting in September. Either way, I can’t wait to see you on the other side.
If you are still not sure and would like to find out more, you can book a call with mere here.
X Elizabeth Rose