In my recent research into personal narratives, I made some big discoveries: 

Here are some key findings from my research into narrative and life experiences which I can share with you: 

  1. Every word we say, to ourselves or others, is from a particular position and is an expression of our being in the world. Also, every experience we have is contextual. There is no such thing as an abstract experience. 
  2. We all have three bodies: emotional, physical and intellectual/spiritual. When we tune into our emotional and physical body, we find our intellectual and/or spiritual body can start to thrive. Then we can transform our thinking. 
  3. Part of our personal identity as human beings changes and part of our personal identity remains the same. 
  4. Being a human being means experiencing ambiguity and contradiction but also recognising that we have various characteristics and conditions. This is the key to transforming our personal narrative. The more we emotionally commit in one or two areas of our lives the more we can expect to see every area of our life transform.  
  5. Communication is key: communication happens at the subatomic level, let alone the non-verbal level. This is hugely significant.  Even if we think we are not communicating – we are. The stories we tell are also always different according to which context we are in. We can never shut off from space and time and each other.  We are always in dialogue – so how we communicate and interact on the micro level will affect the overall big story we are so desperate to tell with our lives.

Want to know more about my research-based methods? Here are some of the things people are saying about working with NLC:  

“What I got from working with NLC was to prioritise your vision. You reminded me to always return to my needs and my vision.” Karen 

“Through Narrative Life Coaching, I was able to give form and structure to my vision.  I also learnt life-affirming thought strategies to sustain my vision and illuminate it further.” Laura 

To get to know more about what NLC can offer and find out if it is a good fit, why not subscribe to my newsletter here [link]?  

You could also sign up for my upcoming masterclass which I will be running on Friday, January 26th and Wednesday, January 31st at 1pm. 

The 45-minute masterclass will cover 

  1. An introduction to myself and my methods (10 mins)
  2. Vision setting (10 minutes) 
  3. Goal setting (10 minutes) 
  4. Reflection and revision (5 mins) 
  5. Q and A (10 mins) 

Just click the link here to join the mailing list for the masterclass and I will send you all the details! 

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